Terminations can occur when employees retire, receive a layoff notice, are dismissed, take a voluntary termination or take a short-term leave of absence for personal reasons.   When accomplished through a well-organized and thoughtful strategy, downsizing can be a lifesaver to many businesses.  How employees are treated when they leave and the impact it has on those who remain can affect your businesses tremendously.   Providing employees with effective feedback during the course of their employment is imperative to ensure that they are aware if they are meeting the requirements of their position.  If their performance is unsatisfactory, documented feedback should be provided at this time and methods to assist the employee should also be discussed.   After sufficient time has been provided to reassess their performance and it becomes evident that they still have not improved, then termination should be considered.  By retaining a non-performing employee, the success of your business is jeopardized as it has an effect on their work outcomes as well as other staff members. Often times employers find that after an ineffective employee has been terminated due to poor performance, the skill level and performance of existing employees increases bringing about more positive results on the overall business.   It is very important for all employers to be knowledgeable of the legal and ethical aspects prior to terminating an employee.

For more information see:

Exit Interviews

Whatever the circumstances, when an employee is leaving, it is important to take that opportunity to solicit their insights and thoughts about your business.  An exit interview is an excellent tool because it provides a non-threatening means to gain valuable feedback about your strengths and limitations as an employer.

For more information see: